--测试环境if OBJECT_ID('tb') is not null drop table tb;gocreate table tb( col1 int, col2 int, Fcount int)insert into tbselect 11,20,1 union allselect 11,22,1 union allselect 11,23,2 union allselect 11,24,5 union allselect 12,39,1 union allselect 12,40,3 union allselect 12,38,4go--查询--1select * from tb t where Fcount=(select max(Fcount)from tb where col1=t.col1)--2select * from tb t where not exists(select 1 from tb where col1=t.col1 and Fcount>t.Fcount) --效率要高很多(lui2015-5-13注释)--结果/*col1 col2 Fcount----------- ----------- -----------12 38 411 24 5*/
【SQL Server 2005后推荐使用这种方式】
SQL Server 2005后之后,引入了row_number()函数,row_number()函数的分组排序功能使这种操作变得非常简单
分组取TOP数据是T-SQL中的常用查询, 如学生信息管理系统中取出每个学科前3名的学生。这种查询在SQL Server 2005之前,写起来很繁琐,需要用到临时表关联查询才能取到。SQL Server 2005后之后,引入了row_number()函数,row_number()函数的分组排序功能使这种操作变得非常简单。下面是一个简单示例:
代码如下: 语法形式:ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY COL1 ORDER BY COL2) 解释:根据COL1分组,在分组内部根据 COL2排序,而此函数计算的值就表示每组内部排序后的顺序编号(组内连续的唯一的)
--1.创建测试表 create table #score ( name varchar(20), subject varchar(20), score int ) --2.插入测试数据 insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('张三','语文',98) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('张三','数学',80) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('张三','英语',90) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李四','语文',88) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李四','数学',86) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李四','英语',88) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李明','语文',60) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李明','数学',86) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('李明','英语',88) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('林风','语文',74) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('林风','数学',99) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('林风','英语',59) insert into #score(name,subject,score) values('严明','英语',96) --3.取每个学科的前3名数据 select * from ( select subject,name,score,ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by subject order by score desc) as num from #score ) T where T.num <= 3 order by subject --4.删除临时表 truncate table #score drop table #score
oracle 分组取最大值方式
select distinct id, to_char(First_value(STARTTIME) OVER (PARTITION BY id order by to_number(VALUE) desc),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as STARTTIME,
First_value(ENNAME) OVER (PARTITION BY id order by to_number(VALUE) desc) as ENNAME, First_value(VALUE) OVER (PARTITION BY id order by to_number(VALUE) desc) as maxvalue from tab_obj_rtatt_data_old where Upper(ltrim(rtrim(ENNAME))) =? AND STARTTIME>=to_date(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND STARTTIME<=to_date(?,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')